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G Wilbur Best

by Mason Word - Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 8:23 AM

Freemasonry has endured not because of its antiquity, its influence, or its social standing, but because there have been so many who have lived it. The effectiveness of Masonic teachings will always be the measure by which the outside world judges Freemasonry; the proof of Freemasonry is in our deeds and it is in our deeds that Freemasonry is made known to non-Masons. The only way that the Craft can be judged is by its product. The prestige of Freemasonry lies squarely on the shoulders of each of us.


GB Harvey - Freemasonry in Action

by Mason Word - Thursday, 9 February 2023, 3:40 PM

"Charity is the pre-eminent virtue, the possession of which in its fullest signification marks the perfect Mason. Charity in its highest and noblest sense includes all other virtues, and in its exercise all right thought and action are employed. But the thought of charity is too much associated with almsgiving, financial aid, and assistance.  Charity, in its true meaning, is affection and love, an active as well as a sentient force in all that pertains to our mortal existence."


George Washington

by Mason Word - Thursday, 9 February 2023, 11:01 AM

"To enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished, that the conduct of every member of the fraternity, as well as those publications, that discover the principles which actuate them, may tend to convince mankind that the grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race."


GF Moore

by Mason Word - Thursday, 9 February 2023, 2:46 PM

"Masonry is the science of life in a society of men, by signs, symbols and ceremonies; having as its basis a system of morality and for its purpose the perfection and happiness of the individual and the race."