Some Jargon Explained
Completion requirements
There are lots of terms which Freemasons use which may be unfamiliar, or unkown to non-members.
Monday, 10 February 2025, 9:34 AM
Site: The Mason Word
Course: 1. Freemasonry for Non-Masons (Freemasonry for Non-Masons)
Glossary: Some Jargon Explained
ObligationThe solemn promise made by a Freemason on his admission into any Degree is technically called his obligation. In a legal sense, obligation is synonymous with duty. Its derivation shows its true meaning, for the Latin word obligatio literally signifies a tying or binding. The obligation is that which binds a man to do some act, the doing of which thus becomes his duty. By his obligation, a Freemason is bound or tied to his Order. |
Operative MasonAn operative mason is an individual involved in working as a stonemason - actively involved in fashioning and building in stone. |